Welcome to Ms. Beaty's class!  This is my tenth year teaching 4th grade.  I have two children, and I love spending time with my family at the lake. 

      I will be teaching your child math and science this school year.  Your child will have a math workbook that they will need to have for class each day.  I will also give them handouts that need to be kept in their math folder.  For the most part, students will only have written homework if they did not complete their classwork.  We do not have a science book, so all of the materials for science will be through handouts that they will put in their science folder.

      Please do not throw away anything that is in your child's math and science folders.  There will be times that their folders are full or may look junky.  You are welcome to help them organize their handouts and resources, but please do not remove anything.  I will have occasional "clean out" days when I instruct the students of what can be thrown away or taken home.  

    I will work with your child at the beginning of the school year to make sure they know how to login into their classlink account.  This will be very important for them to know how to do so they can access their Google Classroom and IXL accounts at home.  

      Your child will bring home a communication folder each Friday with graded papers and any important information from the school or myself.  Please make sure you check the folder each Friday, sign the paper on the back of the folder and return it on Monday of the following week.  

      I will send out a weekly email blast each Friday.  These emails will contain quiz/test dates, updates on what is occurring in our math and science classes and any important school information.      

      If you need to get in contact with me, email is the easiest way to do that.  rebecca.beaty@ccboe.net

I am looking forward to an awesome year with your child!  Please let me know if you need anything from me!

Rebecca Beaty - 706-868-3736 x 5847